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fearfull parrot

21 16:15:12

my parrot is an indian ringedneck, he is very fearful of me. He flys away everytime I go close to him. I can not even strock him. He seems happy even when he is out of his cage playing with hs toys just very fearful of everyone.
He runs up and down his purch alot. He is also trying to talk.It seems that some times he is showing off by sticking out his chest. can you help please.

Hi Anthony -

The first thing I need to tell you is take things VERY SLOW with your bird.  Birds are not like cats or dogs at all and in order to have a successful relationship with your bird - you have to gain his trust.  This is not something done over night.  If you've just gotten your bird recently - give him some time to settle in to his new environment.  Don't push interaction with him.  The most important thing is to assure he's eating and drinking and sleeping well.  

After a couple of weeks, start sitting down near his cage and reading to him, or talking to him.  He needs to get used to your presence, your voice and at his own pace, he'll start to trust you - provided you don't push things too fast.  Let him set the pace.  If you spend time with him every day - gain his trust - he will definitely want to spend time with you.  Birds are very social creatures and crave companionship.  

If you can - take him to an avian veterinarian and have his flight feathers trimmed.  Make sure the vet has done this before and knows what he/she is doing as a bad wing clip can be detrimental.  Don't do this yourself as that will likely make him more fearful of you, plus it's something you need to know exactly what your doing.  When he flies with a clip, he should be able to still fly pretty well and float gently to the ground, where you would go to step him up.  If he continues to try to fly away, provided it is safe in your home (no other animals) sit down on the floor with him and just talk softly.  Slowly present him your hand and tell him to step up.  If he does - take him immediately to his cage (slowly) to assure him that he's safe with you.  

It could take quite some time for the two of you to develop that trust.  It could take a week or it could take several months.  The key is to be patient, loving and consistent.  

Good luck and I wish you the best.