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21 10:59:17

Is there a cure for adrenal disease or is this something she has to live with. Is she in any pain or discomfort with this disease. I live in michigan and I'm worried about her getting sick from the cold weather.
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my ferret is losing its hair. it started at the base of the tail and moved up her belly and to her shoulders and progressing.Her age is 5 yrs+. seems to have lost some weight. Really not sure if she is sick or getting just old. what kind of guidance can you give me?

It is very common in ferrets to get Adrenal disease or insulinoma when they get older.  Both are cancer but ferrets can live a fairly long life without their hair.  If she loses too much weight give her chicken baby food warmed up with a little water mixed in as a supplement.  Also Nuri-Cal or Ferretone is good and you can get it at the pet store.  I had a little ferret that lost all of her hair and then all of it grew back in during the winter and then she lost it all again and lived two or three years.  Adrenal disease is usually the cause of hair loss.  Good luck with her.


Ferrets do alot better in colder weather then in warm weather.  I live in Arizona and they can't be in temperatures about 80, so I keep mine cool.  
Adrenal Disease is a type of cancer.  They can have surgery but at her age I think it causes more suffering then good and only extends their life maybe 6 months or so and is very expensive.  To make a long story short, there is not cure being as it is a type of cancer but they are usually not in pain until they start really failing with the disease.  Losing their hair doesn't cause pain or discomfort just make sure she continues to eat well and drink well.  I've had ferrets live with it for several years.  Most ferrets life span is only 6 to 8 years so your little girl is getting up there.  

If you have any more questions about her feel free to write to me.
