Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > DOG URINATING


18 17:56:10

I have a 2 1/2 year old Sheltie/Queensland Mix.  We adopted him from the pound at 8 weeks of age.  He is well behaved, and the best dog I have ever had.  However, he tends to urinate on people's feet. He does the submissive peeing frequently.  When he pees on people, he is being ignored, and no one is looking into his eyes, or getting him excited.  An example, is we were standing in the garage talking.  He approached one of the adults there, lifted his leg and urinated on her. We don't know how to stop him from doing this.

Dogs do not lift their legs to urinate submissively. That is a dominant behavior. Submissive urinaters roll over and pee or dribble while they're wriggling. If your dog is lifting his leg, dominance is the issue and the answer is (mostly) in this article
(I know it seems unrelated, you're just going to have to trust me on this)

Also, keep him on a leash so you can give him a correction when he does that!