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annoying barking dogs

18 17:50:46

I have 2 puppys, 1yr collie cross and 4 mnth border collie. there really good dog for there age. I'm starting to notcie there turning into one of those dogs that bark at people when they walk pass our back yard. I dont promote barking at all (one barks is ok). I dont want a dog that runs back a forth barking through the fence. it drive me nuts when other dogs do that. There so friendly with people infact i dont think they would make good guard dogs due to they'll lick the thief to death before biting. Well yesterday they were barking i went outside to tell they to quit it. My border came running to me and sat at my side like a good girl but my collie ran to me and barked at me. It made me so mad! like a teenage girl trying to lip me off. I told her she was a bad girl and walk inside with the young one. How do i stop this? Our collie is "rebelling" and dosnt lisen when we take her outside the house. Its not like we dont take her out infact we put hours into training, walks and doggy park time into her. If we go out to places that allow dogs they come with us. The last week we havnt taken her anywhere due to stiches near her eye (playing with a stick)what can i do? I'll do anything for my dogs and i want a good dog. Just need help

You need to obedience train the dogs. Part of that is socialization so the dog becomes accustomed to being around other dogs and people. You'll need the help of another person and find the trigger distance of when the dog barks. Then reward the dog for not barking. A tiny treat or clicker training. This is an on lead exercise so you have positive control of the dog. As soon as the dog begins to move toward a barking stance, tell the dog no and when it suiets, immediately tell it good dog and give a tiny treat.  You can also engage the dog in directed play so its attention is drawn away form the cause of the barking. This desensitization training is good for most triggered behavior (barking, whinning, chewing, etc.  Most anti-bark products do not work. (collars)


Henry Ruhwiedel