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Yorkie Female Problem

20 11:37:46

What age does a Female Yorkie normally come into heat and have bleeding and how often does this happen. How do I take care of her..


Your female can come into heat as early as six months and as late as 18 months.  Small dogs do not usually go into heat as often or as early as large dogs.  The heat lasts for three weeks.  The first week it is bright red and then as the second week starts it will turn a milky pinkish color.  The second week, day 7 thru 13, is when they can get pregnant.  The third week their pee pee will be swollen but there is usually no discharge.

If she goes into heat at nine months then you can expect that she will probably have a heat every nine months and so on.  Of course if she is bred the time table can vary.  As far as how to take care of her, I am not really sure what you mean.  If you could elaborate on that I would be happy to answer you.