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9 monthold pupie

20 11:37:25

i have a 4 pound 2ounce male yorkie, he is 9 month old. he has recently become very calm and anxious and seem to want to be held alot. he is also seems scared of the dogs that he used to play with all the time, I'm not sure if this is because he is not neutered yet or could it be something else. what do you suggest?


I am a little confused about your explanation of his behavior.  I am not sure how a dog that is anxious can also be calm?  However, if I just focused on the anxious part of your question then I would say that his behavior could be caused from not being neutered. At 9 months of age he is reaching maturity and with that inevitably comes the raging hormones.  Since he is a puppy and you can't explain to him that what he is feeling is normal there really isn't much you can do to help him though this.  If you are not planning on breeding him then you might want to consider getting him neutered.  Most vets feel it is safe once they have passed the age of six months.

They usually calm down after being neutered but there are no guarantees.  Sometimes being anxious is just part of their personality.