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Breeding our baby

20 11:37:46

Koda will be 5 in Nov. we would like to breed her.  She is 11 pounds and the male is 7 pounds.  She went into heat today, June 2.  All the puppies have been adopted out.  But...between now and then could you give me a game plan of what to expect and maybe a good book to read????


Their heat lasts three weeks.  The time that she can get pregnant is between day 7 and day 13 of the heat cycle.  Try to keep your male and female separate until day seven because if he is allowed to try and breed her (I say try because she won't let him yet)he will get frustrated and by day seven he will not be interested.

Also, you have to be careful not to let him hump randomly.  If he is allowed to do this then he will get used to just humping and when the time comes to do the job he will not be able to complete it.  

What you need to know before and after the puppies are born is extensive.  It would be too much for me to type in this forum.
I have a couple of suggestions on how to get the information you need.  You could read through the past posts on this site (there are over 400 so that would be very time consuming). I also provide a Word document for people just like you, who are needing a large amount of information.  It is located on my website at and you can download it and print it for free.

As far as a good book, I am sure you could find one on Amazon or a similar site that would give you the information you need.  I would however, like to suggest a book that is what I consider the best one out there.  It is called Yorkshire Terriers, A Common Sense Guide to Breeding and Everything Else.  OK, I guess I am biased about the book because I wrote it lol.  It really is a good book and it explains everything in an easy to understand format.  It is available in a downloadable pdf format for $9.95.  If you are interested you can purchase it on my website.

If you do not wish to purchase the book (or even if you do purchase it) and you have read the word document on my website but still have questions, feel free to come back to allexperts and ask me anything that you may need clarification on.