Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > our kitten has some stff around her eyes

our kitten has some stff around her eyes


Hi we just got a new kitten today and she has some stuf around her eyes and i'm concerned about his what should be done for her and what is this is it allergies or a cold ? please let me know what I should do for her she is a lovely kitten

Sorry, but you haven't given me enough information to really help you much. For starters, is this a purebred kitten or did you get it from a shelter? In either case, your first step should be to contact the person you got it from with this question. And if, perhaps, it is a Persian or part-Persian kitten, it is probably always going to have some "stuff" around its eyes because Persian eyes tear.

You also don't say whether this is a teary discharge, mucus, or dry "eye gunk."  The first two probably call for a visit to the vet, especially if the eyes are irritated, red, half-closed or anything other than bright and wide open. But for now, try gently wiping the eyes with a warm damp washcloth and see how long it takes for the "stuff" to come back. If the kitten has messy eyes again within an hour or less, she really does need to see a vet.

Sorry I can't do more but there are limits to this system!!
