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paw pads and nose losing pigmentation


This question is regarding the one about a cat losing its paw pad and nose color. The cat cannot be shown but what about breeding the cat? The female has this but her litter brother and both parents don't. Will she throw this in her kittens?


What a great question.  It depends on whether the loss of pigmentation is due to a condition that has been acquired or a genetic condition. Your veterinarian may be able to give you some inkling as to what is going on.

If it is due to a genetic condition, then, yes the proggeny could have the same problem, or might not.  Genetics are often not so simple that without being able to do DNA testing on whatever may have gone wrong in the genome for this cat, there is no way of telling, for sure what may happen in the next and ensuing generations.

If you can get some history on any siblings of the female's parents, on grand parents, on great grand parents, you might be able to get some idea of whether this is transmitted genetically or acquired. If it is transmitted genetically, is it recessive or dominant? (I would guess recessive), always expressive or variably expressive? Etc.

Best regards... Norm.