Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Featherdusters


25 9:42:06


Michael & Tobi Lynn 55
We have a 9 mo old 55 gallon tank with 35-40 lbs pound of live rock, 2 inches of live sand (sorry can't remember poundage) we have 6 damsels ave 2 in size, 1 percula 1.5 in, 1 yellow tang 3 in, 1 pajama and 1 banggai cardinal 1.5 in each, 1 flame hawkfish 1.5 in, 1 strawberry crab 2 in, and 1 coral banded shrimp um really really large...approx body size 3 in body alone, we also have 1 mexican turbo snail and 12-15 tiny hermit crabs (very tiny)one nassarius snail approx 3/4 in.  We have 7 feather dusters, 1 being a large hawaiian one.  In the last week and a half, 4 have dropped their heads.   All of our chemical levels have checked fine.  Our water temp also within safe level, so I am at a loss.  We have a wet dry filtration system which we were instructed to remove all the blue balls from.  We just removed the last 10 balls a few days before the first of our first feather duster dropped it's head.  Would this have anything to do with our sudden loss? I am saddened, even though I realize they may still return and I have seen the actual worm still surviving..... open to all suggestions......

Hey Tobi

The removal of the bioballs shouldnt have done it, removing the bioballs was actually a good thing. i have a feeling someone might be picking on them. check the tank a hour after the lights go off, if someone is picking on the feather dusters, its most likely then