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new tank

25 9:35:18

Hi, I am thinking of purchasing a 75 gallon tank for my boyfriend who has always loved fish and would really like a large tank. The tank is advertised as a 75 gallon with two water filters, a florescent light, a stand and a heater. We currently have a Betta in a small 2L tank that we have had for about 6 months and have no other experience with fish or tanks. I have requested some books on fish from my local library but am on a 2 week waiting list. Basically my question is what kind of supplies would i need to get a tank like this up and running and what would i need to do to maintain it? Also if you could suggest some sort of fish combination for rookie fish owners with this size tank that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Pic of my 3yr old sons
Hi Sylvie,
Thats a huge list to give ya! Ok, you'll need filter media for your filters, water conditioner(I personally prefer API Stress Coat and Stress Zyme), about 80 pounds of aquarium substrate, I recommend small pebble river rock(available in 40lb bags at Home depot for $4) and crushed coral mixed for most fresh water systems. Larger Rocks(quartzite and granite are also available cheaply from Home Depot!) to build caves and hiding spots, you'll need many, I'd say a good 50 to 60lbs of larger rocks. Just RINSE THE ROCKS AND SUBSTRATE TILL THE WATER RUNS CLEAR AND CLEAN. Some aquarium plants? A personal choice. I do live plants in mine. Annubias and Brazillian Swords. The live plants really help with the appearance AND the water quality! And food... the kind depends on your fish selection. For beginners I usually recommend a African Cichlid tank. The fish are colorful and beautiful, grow fairly large, have good personalities, are extremely hardy and make for a good fresh water display for beginners or advanced aquarists. Start off slowly, get your aquarium set up, and filled. Allow it to run for a week. Then go get 3 or 4 fish. Allow them a month, maybe 2 before adding more. And never add more than 2 or 3 at a time. Now there's more to it than fits in one message, so keep asking and reading! But this is your basic needs list for a set up, to get you filled and cycling.  A Fishkeeper's Guide to the Healthy Aquarium (Neville Carrington) is a great book for beginners to buy. You can get it for around $20 from And we're always here! so ask away... Be more than happy to get you on the right track and having a healthy aquarium set up!