Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > High Elevation Rocks with Moss

High Elevation Rocks with Moss

25 10:01:36

We just bought high elevation rocks with moss on them.  I am worried that the tap water contains stuff that could kill the moss.  Is there any truth to that?  What is good for the moss?  How do I ensure a long life for my moss rocks?
Thank you,

Don't worry the tap water should not hurt the moss. The only active ingredient in tap water is chlorine but it should not be harmful as it dissipates in a day or two. Moss requires acid conditions. I am not sure how you can ensure that but a very small amount of evergreen food should ensure that but don''t react until you see the moss fading. Bottom line is if you are near any major industry acid rain should keep it healthy. Moss is a fungus it is used to feeding of of anything.

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