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Moss Rocks

25 10:01:35

I just purchased some moss rocks from a very high elevation and brought them down quite a bit for my pond.  I am worried about the chemicals in the tap water and they also have no shade.  I was wondering if putting a bed of pine needles under the rocks would help them.  I just want to ensure them a long life and I want them to stay healthy looking and green.  Do you have any suggestions?

The way to keep moss growing on rocks is to keep the rocks in the shade or at least part shade but no direct sunlight and keep them moist but not drenched in water. The most harmful chemical in tapwater is chlorine for the most part and it will evaporate out of the water in 24 hours.  Did you put the rocks in the water and they are covered by the water?  If so, that will kill terrestrial moss.  If you are just putting the rock around the pond the moss will not survive with no shade. I hope this helps.