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koi, white spots

25 10:00:31

I put in a 60,000 gal pond in march fish are doing great, got lots of babies this season, and lots of green!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I noticed what looked like a white bump on the back of one of my koi, but its real hard to tell without netting him, it's kinda hard to chase them around a 35x65 pond any guesses?

Thanks in advance, from what I read today very impressive

A single white spot is often a physical injury and a resultant infection.  The disease white spot or ick would cause many small white dots on the fish.  Koi will change color so sometimes it's just a color change.   But, if it's elevated (bumpy), it could be a sore area.  You want to rule out anchor worm and fish lice which can cause such spots even after they've released from the fish.  If you have those parasites in your pond, you should see them on multiple fish.  Injured areas may become infected to give the bumps.  Finally, fish tuberculosis gives acne-boil-like lumps on fish as can various fish viruses.  The viruses are not deadly but fish tuberculosis is a slow killer.  Hopefully, the fish just has an irritated area!

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