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Frogs, Plants, Salamanders, and Turtles

25 9:54:42

i have a terrarium with two frogs, a pickerel, and a leopard (southern north American type) and i know from experience fish will become food. i have recently wanted to acquire some more plants, and maybe a small baby turtle or salamander. i would like to know if it is safe to do so with the fact that they are fairly large frogs, and i am considering a small baby turtle, and maybe a salamander. i would also like to ask what the best kind of plants for a more aquatic terrarium would be. thank you for your time.

I do not suggesting mixing those species.  The frogs probably won't eat the turtle but the turtle (once it grows up) will try to eat the frogs.  Also, turtles need a lot of room (more than 40 gallons even as young adults) and make a lot of mess.  Salamanders are likely to be eaten by the frogs.  They have no defenses.  Larger salamanders might work for a while but I would still worry about somebody eating somebody.

My turtle pages are at if you want to get an idea of how much they require.

I'm not good with plants.  I'm not that familiar with the species of terrarium plants that are to be planted above the water.  As for in the water, I suggest anacharis and hornwort as they can take cooler water, are inexpensive, and animals like them.  They do need a good amount of light though.  My tanks don't have enough light so two of them are full of java moss which grows like mad but provides plenty of hiding and breeding places for my fish.  So, you might try some java moss which can also grow out of the water if damp.

Good luck!