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koi fry moving

25 10:00:30

I started with 200 (a declining number daily) koi fry in an old tub. When is it safe to move them to an indoor aquarium? They are to small (1/4 inch) to survive the winter out in the pond. The evenings are drooping the tempature to 60 and I believe something is eating the fry. They number less than 100 now. They are 10 days old now.

You can move them inside now if you want.  You can try to feed them with pond water or grow some infusuria.  They make some commercial fry foods but live microorganisms are best.  If they are already 1/4 of an inch, they may already be able to eat larger foods like live baby brine shrimp and crushed flakes.  At that size, dragonfly larvae, hydra, and other small animals may eat the fry.

Good luck!
