Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > introducing turtles to a pond with fish

introducing turtles to a pond with fish

25 9:55:15

We have a 1400 gal. pond with 20 + gold fish and one koi. all happy. We were
given 2 darling @ 31/2 inch turtles that have lived in their own pond. Do I need
to give them an anti- bacterial bath before introducing them to the pond?  I
don't want any one to get sick. Thank you carolyn

No, you don't need to bathe them.  If you want to dip them in some 1% aquarium salt in water for a few minutes, that should remove most bacteria that they might have.  Afterwards, put them in freshwater.  Sick turtles (not healthy ones) can have salmonella.  All turtles have fecal bacteria.  They shouldn't have the kinds of bacteria that cause problems with your fish.  Turtle parasites also rarely cross species to fish.

What kind of turtles are they?  Most turtles will eat some of your pond animals (including small fish) and plants.  Turtles also like to escape so the pond needs to be fenced in.  I have page on turtle ponds at
That page should help you and the turtles.  Good luck!