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Frogs in pond!!!

25 9:54:13

I have a garden pond, its kept quite clean, i have goldfish and carp with other similar fish. I recently found 2 or 3 frogs in my pond, i heard that they can sometimes carry diseases and kill or infect the fish, should i get rid of them???? and if not the frogs have noway of really been able to get out the pond, any suggestions?? i really new to pond and fish keeping! thank you very much!

Most frogs are rarely a threat to your fish.  Frogs carry few diseases or parasites.  They do get fungus but not a type that usually harms fish.  My ponds and the ponds of many others have frogs.  I've never had a problem.  Larger frogs, like bullfrogs, can eat small fish.  I've never seen mine do that but others have.  My green frogs don't bother the fish at all.  In fact, it's the fish who eat the eggs and tadpoles from the frogs.  I keep separate tub ponds so the frogs can breed.

I wouldn't worry about the frogs.  Just let them be.  They are part of the pond ecosystem, and I hope they will bring you lots of joy as they have I and others.

Frogs can jump.  Mine can jump the foot high wall around the pond so hopefully your frogs can also get out of the pond if they want to.

If you send a photo of the frogs to me at help at fishpondinfo dot com , I may be able to tell you what species they are and more about them.  For example, tree frogs only come to the pond for a few days in the spring to breed and then leave.

My frog pages:

Good luck!