Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Water Garden Winterizing

Water Garden Winterizing

25 10:01:55

We just moved into a home that already has a water garden built, but it was empty.  We filled it with water in August and just ran an aerating pump without adding plants or fish.

We live in Kansas where the temperature will drop below zero sometimes in winter.  Should we just remove the pump during the winter, then replace in the early spring and add plants and fish?

If the pond is at least 24 inches deep keep the pump running all year round. The fish will live  well but DO NOT fedd them when the temperature of the water is under 50 degrees F. You should take any fancy fountain type sprayer off the pump and let the outlet break the surface of the water. Float a log to help prevent the pond freezing solid.

         Hope this helps Any further queations don't hesitate

                 KEEP PONDING