Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > green floatie things on my pond

green floatie things on my pond

25 9:55:15

hi, for the past year i have had some green stuff covering my pond's surface - it looks like tiny floating lily pads with stalks that hang down in the water about half an inch -they look almost like clover - what is this and how can i get rid of it (w/o harming my dogs who love to swim in the pond)??? it was on my pond last year and came back after the winter this year too and i hate the way it looks , the only thing i have tried was this Barley powder and it did not work at all, please help!  thanks

Hi there,

Water plants usually appear due to the high nitrogen content in the water.
A good way of getting rid of them would be adding fish to the pond.
Koi would love them.
If you send pictures of them, I think I would be able to give you a better answer

Keep in touch.
