Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Bringing koi in for the winter

Bringing koi in for the winter

25 9:54:43

As i have previously mentioned i am losing my koi to the elements.Would it be possible to bring them in next winter? I have 15 large koi.......some 12 inches long.What do i need to do?I know this wont be easy but i am prepared to do whatever you reccomend.

Hi Bonnie,
It's not the elements that are killing the koi, it's lack of oxygen.  If your pond freezes over in the winter, you need a floating pond heater.  It doesn't cost much.  Your koi are too large to be bringing back and forth in and out of a warmer environment.  Larger fish do not recover from moving them as small fish do.  Install a pond heater and your koi will be fine.  Here's a link for you to look at pond heaters and I hope this helps.