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Cloudy water...

23 15:25:59

Ok, so short and sweet. Betta in a half gallon, used to be active began acting sort of glum, lethargic. We've had Richard Parker for a half year, and once tired getting him a ghost shrimp friend (which turned into a snack, that's ok). So we got a new ghost shrimp and a snail to add some more life to our tiny tank, and despite not hunting the snail, our betta seems happy. However, the water is very cloudy, it's been a day. Is it the snail, and what should we do?

Hi Zack!

It's because of the snail. Snails cause the water to get cloudy especially in smaller tanks. Try getter a bigger tank. I recommend a 2 gallon one in your case.
Srry for the late reply, my Internet was down for a while.
Hope this helps! :D
Don't hesitate to make a follow up question!