Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > swordtails


23 14:23:24

I have a female swordtail in my fish tank for about 2 months. recently I have noticed a cut on her skin just behind her right gill and some red bits (I'm guessing blood) is flaking out of it. I have isolated her, but I am unsure as to what treatment to give her, or whether its curable at all.


It's hard for me to get an idea of what this could be because I cannot see it.It could be an ulcer, it could be parasites, it could be a bacterial infection, many things.  If it is some type of cut, I would be concerned of a secondary bacterial infection.

If you do not perform weekly tank maintenance and partial water changes, I would definitely start.  Make sure you clean the gravel real good.  Also, rinse the filter media in the water that you remove from the tank so that you do not kill the beneficial bacteria that has built up in it.  You want to make sure to keep the water as clean as possible for many reasons.  Here is a good website to check out about this:   Keeping your tank real clean helps prevent disease and infection.

I would keep her in an isolation tank and treat her with a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as Maracyn-Two.  Follow the directions closely, and if you have carbon in your filter media, take it out as it will absorb the medication.

If you can write back to me and let me know any other symptoms she is having, I may be able to help you out more (i.e. clamped fins, lethargic, not eating, "flashing" (scratching herself on gravel, etc.), any visible signs of parasites, etc.)  This would help me to identify anything further that might be going on.

As I said before, most disease and illnesses, if not brought in by new fish, are usually brought on by less then optimal water conditions.  I'm not saying that you do not take care of your tank, so please don't think that.  I'm just trying to stress the importance of a good cleaning regimen.

Please let me know how you make out.  Good luck!!!    ;o)