Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > flying motion

flying motion

23 9:54:06

hii,,i had 2 budgies ,blue one witch fly normal  and yellow one that i brouth it new from five month  , it fly in a zegzag  upward the i feel it cant control the way she want to fly to  ..........does this have somthing to do with wing trimming OR because she hadnot fly before when i buy it ,,,,and as the time pass it will control its flying motion

Hello Omar! When a bird flies differently, it can be either unevenly clipped wings or from not being able to fly for a while, or both which would really effect its flight. It depends on your situation. When you look at your birds wings do they look unevenly cut? Is one wing trimmed more than the other? All wings should be trimmed symmetrically only cutting off the flight feathers up until the coverts which are the smaller feather on a birds wing above the primaries, or flight feathers. Also, has your bird been in a  cage for a long time? does it look over weight or chubby? If so, your bird needs more exercise. Even though he may not be able to control himself while flying now, within time he will get the hang of it. Allow the feathers to grow out and let your bird fly a lot. Since he is still a baby, of course hes not going to have mastered flying but they learn very quickly because flying is their only way to escape from predators in the wild. good luck!