Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > yellow earedslider

yellow earedslider

22 16:13:44

my turtle has a soft shell and she is extremely weak and her feet and head flop around and she doesn't move. I don't think there is much time for her .

Then what do you expect from an internet answer from me? You wrote two sentences and gave me absolutely no background in those two sentences. This is why I stay on vacation for most of my time here and don't answer questions anymore. Nobody reads instructions before asking questions, nor provides me with proper background, yet I am expected to render useful advice and make a diagnosis of an unseen animal. Work a miracle in other words.

An exotic vet is the only hope, so quit wasting time and get her to a vet or she will die. In this condition they have 24hrs or less on average.