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budgie surprize eggs

21 16:42:03

believe it or not ive been crying most of the day  i knew my 3yr. old virgo was in distress but i didn'tknow why. after hours of what i thought of as pain and berating myself because i dont have a dime for a vet and therefore shouldnt have a pet any way sorry for the prattle im so scared for her. she has just dropped 2 eggs from the pearch to the floor. please what can i do for her now my babies are all i have .there is a male who i have had for6 mos. got as a babby.

Hi, Susan.  Thanks for posting.

Calm down!  Laying eggs is perfectly normal for your budgie!  And laying eggs is not easy for a bird (like a human giving birth to a baby!), so this is why your budgie appeared to be in distress.  What you should do now depends on what your plans are for your budgies.  If you have a male and female together, they will most definitely lay eggs.  Therefore, you need to decide whether you want to breed them or not.  If not, then you need to separate them because they will lay's just Mother Nature's way!  Sometimes, parrots won't lay eggs unless there's a nestbox available, but this isn't always the case with budgies/parakeets.  Whether they have mated or not, you don't mention, so I can't say whether the eggs are fertile or not.  If no nestbox is available, I recommend you leave the eggs where they are and let the female decide whether she wants to sit on them or not.  As a matter of fact, she may continue to lay eggs until she has a full clutch of 6-8 eggs.  If they aren't viable/fertile, she'll eventually abandon them on her own.  If you remove them as they are laid, she may continue to lay and lay, which could affect her health.  I also recommend you place a cuttlebone in the cage in case she has a need for calcium (laying eggs can deplete calcium supply).

If you know nothing about breeding birds, etc., I recommend you do not allow your budgie's to breed (if this would be your decision) until you become more knowledgeable about this entire process.  Also, owning birds often results in the need for avian veterinarian attention.  If you cannot afford this service, you should definitely not allow your birds to breed, as many problems can develop with the parents and/or babies, which could require vet attention.

Come back if you need to.  Thanks.
