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grumpy parrot

21 16:35:51

i think its an amazon spectecle. it had the blue on top of its head, the red next to its eyes, and the body is green. hes about 11 years (omg i never noticed how fast the time pasted) i have tried to use gloves but this just scares him and i think it makes worse.

Followup To

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what if the connection has gotten so bad that it has taken to biting now?

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i have had my parrot for many years and i use to have a good relationship with him, but i went to school for a while and lost the connection, is there any way to get that connection back?

Answer -
Hello Andre.
It might take quite a bit of time, but it is possible to get the connection back.  Just make sure that you spend a lot of time with your parrot, playing with him and talking to him.
You can give him some treats from your hand.
My parrots love grapes and this may help him to come around to getting the connection back.

Good luck and God Bless.

Answer -
I forgot to ask you, what kind of parrot is he, and how old is he?

I have an 18 year old Amazon that will jump at me and bite.  He is just playing, but when he does this, I do take his bell (which he loves) away from him.  He has even gone 2-3 days without his bell, depending on his behavior.  

There are several ways to correct the problem of biting.
 Are you sure that he is biting out of meanness, or is he just playing?  I know, either way the bites hurt.
I would suggest that you get yourself a pair of leather gloves, such as welding gloves.  They are rugged enough that your bird won't bite through them so you will be able to handle him.  If he bites you while you are handling him, do the "Earthquake Effect".  This is done by gently, but rapidly shaking the hand that he has a hold of and saying "No".  Continue this until he lets go.  Be careful not to scream at him though.  He might think it's a game if he gets that kind of reaction out of you and the problem may become worse.


Just keep working with him.  You've said youreslf that you've been away at school for awhile.  He is probably confusedand upset with you for leaving him. Remember that he doesn't understand why you left him, he just knows that you did leave him.

Keep talking to him, and hand feeding him treats.  Like I said before, it may take some time, but he'll come around and the connection will be made again.

My Amazon was in 3 homes before I got him(I've had him for a little over a year now)and he still isn't fully bonding with me yet.  He will take food out of my hand, and once he is out of his cage he will step up onto my hand (I do use gloves because he seems more steady being able to grip them instead of my skin), but he still won't let me give him scritches.

I hope this helps.

Good luck and God Bless.