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parakeets make noise

21 16:31:53

i have six parakeets. every time i put music on they make lot of this sign of  happy parakeets or mad ones. my parakeets are six month old i can't figure of which are female and male. some time i see two green kissing each other sometime i see that one of green kissing blue one what that means

thank you for your question.
Usually, parakeets like music and noise and will make a lot of  noise of their own (that's why your remote control for the TV or your stereo works on the parakeets: turn the TV louder and the birds will get louder, too ;). When they don't like it, they make an agressive sound that is easily recognizable as scolding.
Here's the sound they make (often loudly) when they feel comfortable:

Here are pictures of male and female parakeets and info on how to sex them:
I hope I was of some help to you