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My Senegal parrot!

21 16:30:31

Hello there, I have a 6 (ish) month old senegal Parrot called Abeni who is usually well behaved! LAtely she has started shrieking loudly (mostly from the top of her cage) which is upsetting the neighbours (quite rightly) any tips on how to deal with this (she seem to have a pattern in that the most shrieking is done when me or my wife is out of the room) how can I train her to stop doing this please?



its simple...she doenst want to see you go and will shriek for you wehn you leave, just put her on your hand or shoulder and bring her around the house with you its the best way to go about things, when you leave teh home try leave  aradio on low and on a talk staion near her cage, leave an intresting toy for her to shred also and perhaps give her a piece of her favorite fruit right before going out.