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Bird wont eat veggies

21 16:16:36

I have an African Grey Timneh (Zoe). She will not eat Veggies and I have read where they need this.  She will eat just about everything else.  Should I be concerned?  She loves beans, cheese and hamburger.  Zoe is 7months old and very sweet and lovable.  I just want to make sure she will be ok without veggies.


hi. thanks for your question.  
first of all, kudos to you for giving your Grey a balanced diet and trying to feed her all of the foods that she needs. unfortunately, even despite our best efforts, our feathered friends do not always want to eat what is good for them. many birds simply "refuse" to eat certain types of healthy foods and feeds, such as pellets. my sun conure would rather go on hunger strike than eat any type of veggie at all. i have had him for 15 years and have not once seen him even try a veggie.
there is really no way to "force" her to eat veggies. i would at least try a variety of different veggies and see perhaps if there is something she likes. you don't have to go out of your way and buy veggies just for her but perhaps as you are eating something in your meal, why not let her give it a try? my conure will at least try some of the brighter colored and sweeter veggies (like red bell peppers).  he will also at least toy with "fun" veggies ( he loves tearing up lettuce and edamame bean pods..maybe he is even eating a little of it too!) also, she is only 7 months old, so it may take time to acclimate her to veggies. just keep trying as you go along and perhaps you will find something she likes.
if all else fails, just make sure you are giving her a balanced diet otherwise....variety is important. glad to hear she is willing to try and sample different foods but remember, moderation is key. you wouldn't (or at least shouldn't :)  eat fatty foods all the time and neither should your parrot. always remember to avoid avocado, chocolate, and alcohol (the deadly three to birds).  and if veggies are a problem, there is always fruit.  not to worry, as long as her diet is balanced and she gets plenty of vitamins! hope this helps. alicia