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My lady mouse is paralyzed or so it seems.

21 15:18:38

So I have a female mouse and she gave birth to about seven babies and all of them died from being buried in the bedding. But about two days after giving birth she started just dragging around her two back legs and when she put effort into walking her back would flip over and her legs are just spread out stiff. Sometimes she'll walk on them like they are ok but that is only for a few seconds. I don't know what is wrong or what to do. Please help...?

Hi Kamille,

Please seek veterinary assistance immediately!  That is an emergency that needs to be handled with a professional.  Several things can go wrong with childbirth just like in any other kind of critter (or people!) and if not handled right away many can be lethal.  It's difficult for me to tell from here what, specifically, the problem is, though it sounds like there may be some nerve damage.  There is nothing you can do at home to help her except to keep her comfortable until you can see a professional.  Move her food and water closer to her so she can reach everything she needs without having to walk.

Please take her to a vet (don't move her - leave her in the cage and take the whole thing with you) ASAP.  Some vets have emergency care on the weekends or after hours - if you can, call around until you can find her help.  Make sure you tell them everything about her pregnancy, as I strongly feel it is related to her current condition.

Best of luck!!