Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Yorkshire Terriers Yorkies > 18 week old yorkie puppy, no hair on body

18 week old yorkie puppy, no hair on body

20 11:39:21

what could cause a yorkie pup to loose his hair on his body? he has no lesions, itching, etc  thanks


Do you mean that he has absolutely no hair as in there is just skin showing?  Or do you mean that he has lost all of the fuzzy hair?  If you meant there is just skin then I would suggest you take him to the vet as soon as possible.  I have never heard of a yorkie loosing all of their hair and even though there are no lesions or itching I think there is a medical reason that needs to be addressed.  I have had some puppies who were born with the slick hair like all yorkies are and then it got fuzzy.  When their hair is about to make its final change (in color and texture) they sometimes loose the fuzzy hair and it goes back to the slick hair they had when they were born.  If that is the case then there is nothing to worry about its just making its final change before it grows in the final coat.

