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tail cutting-newborn yorkies

20 11:35:00

My chloe just had a litter on 1-28-09 and I knew by the third day I needed to get tails cut , but the thought of doing it was unthinkable for me, I asked my vet to do the procedure and he refused and claimed it was merely cosmetic. I plan on selling my pups.How vital is it for the tails to be cut? Is it still to late?

Hi Vicki,
When the general public is looking for a yorkshire terrier puppy, they expect the tail to be docked, since that is what the breed standard calls for in the U.S. It isn't too late but you need to find a veterinarian who will dock their tails right now.I dock my puppies tails at 2-4 days old, their nervous systems are developing and it doesn't hurt them like it would as they get older. They are nine days old and you need a vet to do this, one who can cauterize their tails so they won't bleed unneccessarily. I don't understand your veterinarian's response to your request, unless you don't live in the United States. Personally, I would be looking for a new veterinarian to treat and take care of my pets, one that understands the needs of a yorkshire terrier breeder.