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What sport should I get my active labrador into?????

20 9:41:08

Hi I have a 10 month old labrador retreiver his name is Hunter he is extremlly active he loves to run unlike other labs he is my protector he would rather bark then have people pet him I was wondering what kind of sport I can get him into He loves to play ball and jump over the 3 foot tall gate we have blocking the stairs he is a very good jumper he likes to chase birds alot and he accasionally catches ducks when I take him to the lake he is a very good listener he knows over 25 tricks and 4 german words I had trained him since he was 6 weeks old and we had socialized him but I don't understand why he won't let certian men and woman by me??? I was wondering if he would do good in schutzhund, tracking, agility, flyball, obidence, or any ther anybody reccomends I would love to get Hunter in a sport he always seems so bored

Hello, I'm not sure what the first thing you might inroll him in is...but if it involes gaurd training drop the idea. Your dog simply doesnt like some people...same thing with my dogs if they dont like a person then wont let then touch them and bark. I would reccomend Agility, flyball or tracking.