Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > I dont know why hes sick

I dont know why hes sick

18 16:47:44

i have a dog that is about 3 years if age and is neutered. His behavior didn't change after he was neutered but about 2 weeks ago he began to lose his appetite and his belly is bloated like a balloon.
He was also a very energetic and hyper dog, now he cant even walk a small block without getting super tired.
We would love to take him to the vet but we have no money to do so and we don't know what else to do.
Please tell me what you think i should do to improve his behavior:)

thank you

Your dog absolutely requires the attention of a veterinarian VERY SOON.  there are humane societies in almost every state in the union; call around TODAY and find some help paying the vet bill.  It sounds as if he has an intestinal obstruction and this WILL KILL HIM if he does not receive veterinary care NOW.  The veterinarian that neutered him may also be willing to let you make payments toward this dog's medical needs.  You cannot, absolutely cannot, allow the dog to suffer.  Do whatever it takes to get him medical assistance.