Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Leash-aphobia!


18 17:02:45

We have a 6 mo old Boston Terrier who, when on the leash outside absolutely will not move, just sits there. We have tried bribing him to move with treats but to no avail. It is the same thing in the house, he refuses to move. We do not yell at him, even tho he makes messes. His other brother and sister are already 90 % potty trained....HELP

   Hi John,
        I would recommend taking him to Petsmart for some Beginner Education classes. Not only do they provide him with basic obedience, but it socializes him with children, strangers, other animals, and other dogs as well(critical for a dog of this age). They teach him how to walk on a leash, sit, stay, leave it, ect. It costs about $100 for eight weeks of training. Visit this link for more info:
If you'd like some information on reprimanding your dog in the best way possible, pleas visit some of my past answers and select "Common Puppy Problems". If you have any other questions, be sure to ask! Thank you!