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Aggressive play among young dogs in one household

18 17:09:51

We just got a 3lb male shih tzu puppy( 8 weeks ) and already have a 12 lb ( 8 month old )Shih tzu puppy. At times they nestle next to each other or quietly follow each other around the house. But after one week together their play is getting more and motre aggressive, often leading up to the younger pup letting out a cry. He also often starts the play with bitng thge tail or ears of the old er pup and then this leads the older dog to tackling and then biting the younger. I can't take this. THe older pup was NEVER an aggressive dog  and never bit or bared his teeth. So this may be play but i worry for the safety of the little uyg. What do I do? They are with me most of the day either at home or at work so I can see their activities most of the time.

Hi Cindy, When the play starts to turn aggressive, fill a soda can with pebbles, stones, or pennies, duct tape the top closed and rattle it. It is a loud noise that dogs do not like.  Follow it with a sharp, "GENTLE".  It should stop them.  If they are persistent, put up a baby gate or put them in their kennels and give them both time alone.  We have a tiny dog, a medium dog and a huge dog, a small kitten, a young cat, and two old cats.  We also have a "get along or get gone" policy.  If your dogs are both males, they may be just trying to establish the pack dominance order, but I know you fear for their safety (as you should). As the pack leader, you must intervene if it gets too.  rough. Since you are the "Alpha Dog", it is your job to show them both that thy must play nice or you will intervene. Taking them both to puppy kindergarten (even if you already took the older one) would be great.  It teaches them to listen to you no matter what distractions are around them.    Trust me, no education is ever wasted.  Please leave me feedback and let me know how it goes. Thanks. Regards, Susan