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cat urninating or spraying

20 13:58:33

I have 3 cats, 2 females and 1 male, and I am having a problem with the 3 year old female. Every once and awhile she sprays or urinates in the living room. I have 3 liters boxes which are cleaned regularly. I haved scrubbed the carpet everytime there is an accident. She has already caused me to tear up the carpeting in the dining room and I replaced the sub floor and flooring. She does it every once and awhile even if you are sitting right there. Any ideas on what else to do?


The most common reason for behavior like your female's is a urinary tract infection or urinary crystals. Both are painful and the cat associates that pain with the litterbox and goes elsewhere. When a cat pees in front of a person that is also a probable sign of a medical problem.

I would have her checked by the vet and rule out a medical issue causing her behavior before dealing with it as a behavioral problem.
