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Water Garden Plants

25 10:02:32

I am building my second water garden in the Sping.  I am looking for plants that can be planted inside the water garden (beyond just lilies) and along the edges (both in and out of the water garden).  I live in the Milwaukee Wisc area.  Looking forward to your ideas!

Hi Randy!  Check out my plant page at
I have a huge list of plants on there like my marginal list a that gives you a lot of plants to chose from.  I'm not as big on plants around the pond since our deer eat them all!  If you don't have that problem, then almost any plant that you like that can take some water and won't grow huge will work well around the pond.  Many people plant ornamental grasses or various types, succulents, rock garden plants (ok those last two like dry areas but around my pond, it's actually pretty dry!), etc.  If you have a natural edging, then you can use regular pond marginals at the edges.