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winterizing goldfish pond

25 9:55:09

I have a preformed goldfish pond.  It is around 2' wide and 3 1/2' long with a shelf on each end.  It is 15" deep in the middle. I have a water fall feature. I live in central Missouri where we get some pretty cold weather sometimes.  I have 8 four inch goldfish.  I am afraid that the water will freeze solid this winter and I will lose them.  I'm also afraid to bring them in this winter for fear I will lose them that way.  Will they survive the winter outside?  If I have to bring them in what size tank will I need?  Should I use the water and filter system I have in the pond?  Thanks.

Your pond is pretty small, less than 60 gallons.  Plus, it's shallow.   So, I do suggest bringing the fish indoors for the winter.  You could buy an aquarium, at least a 40 gallon breeder size but you can also do a cheaper alternative - an indoor pond.  Any non-toxic container will do.  That includes the plastic storage tubs that all the box stores sell and livestock water tanks.  You can get a Rubbermaid tub of 50 gallons or more for much less than an aquarium.  If you set up an indoor pond, you can use your outdoor pond system.  If you set up an aquarium, you'd probably need an aquarium filtration system.  Check out these pages on my site:

Your fish might (if it's a warm winter, and you keep a de-icer going) survive the winter outdoors but it's not guaranteed.

Good luck!