Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > winterization of pond

winterization of pond

25 9:54:53

our pond is about 3 1/2 ft deep in the deepest end and 1/1/2
in shallow..the water if freezing up and has almost evaporated...we have a bubbler in the deep end- 15 fish w/ 6 big others  11med. size . this is our 1st winter w/! it's about 15  degrees...i filled pond with more water today.

The pond should not be evaporating much when it's cold.  Could the water be diverting outside the pond?  Do you have the filter, waterfall, fountain, etc. still going?  If not, could there be a hole in the liner?  The water level should barely be going down, and yet you say the water is mostly gone?  Keep adding water to keep the pond filled.  If it's really cold outside, the fish can freeze solid if there's not enough water in there.  If you do have a waterfall, fountain, etc. going, it's most likely that it's pumping out of the pond, perhaps due to an ice jam so look into that.  My page on winterizing ponds is at

I hope you can stop the water loss!  Good luck!