Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > winter


25 9:54:53

We moved into a house that has a backyard fish pond. I really know nothing about maintaining the pond or what I need to do about the soon to come freezing weather. It has a water fall do I need to turn off the pump?

Hi Dee,
Thanx for your question.  The only thing you need to do is make sure that the part of the pond where the fish live, has access to a free exchange of gases between the water and the atmosphere.  The fish will become dormant (hybernate)during the cold period but you need to make sure that the top of the pond doesn't freeze over.  Fish breathe air through their gills and if the methane and other poisonous gases are not allowed to percolate up to the surface of the water, it will result in the suffocation of the fish.  There are small floating heaters available that keep the water just warm enough to keep a clear space for the gases to exchange.  These heaters cost about as much to run, per month, as a refrigerator so you won't see a big increase in your electric bill.  I hope this helps.