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leaking outdoor water fountain

25 9:53:10

i have a built up rock water fall and pond had it for about six years  it is leaking around the base of one side of the rocks    almost looks like it has sunk a little  the ground around that area remains wet where the water is escaping
how can i fix it, i am a widow, no expert but i am quoted a lot of money even just to look at it

Hey Carole, you didn't say wether it is leaking at the water fall or the pond itself. So I will try to hit both.If you water fall is leaking sometimes after the winter rocks shift and the stream will run under a rock and out. So check were it is wet and try to see were the water is running. It my be as simple as moving a few rocks around. If the pond itself is leaking there is not much you can do. Sometimes the pond will get to full and run over but if you keep losing water in the pond then the liner has a hole in it witch is never good. Thanks Eric