Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Build a pond for Koi

Build a pond for Koi

25 9:55:36


I am building my first pond it's going to be 8ft x 8ft and 4ft deep i love Koi carp and really want them in my pond.

Do i have to have the pond heated i am thinking no but i just want to make sure as i don't want to get these lovely fish in my pond and they don't make it past the first month.

Any help would be great to what i need to do in order to prep my pond for Koi.



Hi Chris,
The best thing for me to do so that you can get all the answers that you want is direct you to my website at and scroll down to the links for KOI AND POND PAGE and you will find links their to all of your questions and much more.