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Angelfish not eating....

23 15:50:26

We have an Angelfish - not sure of the age, but we've had it a while (7+ years).  She has recently stopped eating (flakes).  She looks to me like she has a 'bruise' on the top of her head - in front of her dorsal fin and extending almost to her 'nose.'  I don't know what to think - she acts fine, no other discoloration on her body except what looks like maybe a blood spot on the back of her dorsal -- very small.  Old age?  We tried brine shrimp this morning (per another post you had on here) and she hasn't bothered with it.

Thanks for your reply!


Hi Julie,
I'm sorry to hear that.

The angelfish may be having some trouble due to old age. She is getting up there in years. The bruise may be natural coloration or in fact be an actual 'bruise' from bumping into the tank or the decorations.

Has anything changed in her environment that may be discouraging her from eating? Any other fish that may be bullying her?

Unfortunately the problem may be internal. Her little system may slowly be shutting down and her appetite is the first to go.

But don't give up hope yet. Angelfish, like many cichlids, can go through a "phase" of not eating. Keep trying different foods like frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, ect.. Also try some small earthworms. These will have to be live though. Some aquarists have problems with feeding live food. But earthworms is a fantastic appetite stimulator for stubborn cichlids.

You might also try doing a big water change. Like around 30-50% to help refresh the aquarium since clean water can help encourage fish to eat.

I must say congrats on maintaining such a lovely species for 7+ years! Lets hope for at least a couple of years more!

I hope this helps!