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Not Eating...

21 9:36:42

First off, my horse isn't eating. I had bought a new type of grain and my horse ate it that evening. But then today after I wormed her she only ate half of her feeding; I also wormed my other horse and fed her and she was fine. Other than that she's been eating her hay and drinking water. Of my horse knowledge, i've decided that either her teeth need to be floated, she has a tummy ache, or it's a mild sign of colic [in which she had when she was a year or two old]. I haven't called a vet, cause they're hard to find around here with a decent price, but any information is helpful:)


this is not all that uncommon when people switch feeds. It doesnt always mean there is something wrong. We generally recommend switching feeds gradually by mixing the new feed with the old feed in gradually increasing proportions. This practice helps prevent digestive upset, colic and the abrupt change to a feed of a different taste. Many times it is that to which the horse is reacting and it takes time to get accustomed to the new feed flavor. Some horses may flat out not like the feed. I dont get the impression your horse is colicy if she is still eating the hay and drinking water. Further, this is not suggestive of a tooth problem at all in my eyes. In my opinion, you dont need a vet as yet because Im not convinced there is a problem here. Id try backing off the new feed and mixing it in a small amount with the old feed first (maybe 85% old feed, 15% new feed) and GRADUALLY increasing the new feed amount over the next week or 2. If the mare shows anmy other signs, stops eating hay and drinking water, gets uncomfortable, has a fever...etc, THEN i would suggest getting a vet involved. Its always worthwhile to check the teeth, but I really dont think that is what is causing this- its always blamed for things like this but it is really seldom the cause. Try that suggestion first- go slowly. Be prepared to try another feed if you must or forego the switch of feed for this horse if she wont eat it. good luck in this. feel free to contact me again if there are any other things for which I might provide a suggestion.