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English spot

22 11:34:12

I would like to know how the got the English spot bunny and the Dutch.

I think your question is how the Dutch and English Spot rabbit breeds were developed? If that is the question, the answers are both about the same. The English Spot rabbit is a geneticly precise pattern originated by a color gene called En. English spots are genetically Enen, actually a combination of two variations, a solid rabbit (enen), and a 'Charlie' colored lightly marked rabbit, (EnEn). Crossing a Charlie to a self, or solid rabbit will give 100% English Spots. The unique type of the rabbit was also selected for at the same time as the markings were being picked. See below.

Dutch are much the same. There is a precise genetic pattern known as Du. There are 3 or 4 Du genes (Du1, Du2, Du3, etc.) that mix to make the varieties and they also have variations in the purity of the markings which make some Dutch show quality, and some just pet quality. Their unique type was also developed and selected for by selective breeding..

In both cases, dedicated breeders, well over 100 years ago bred and rebred rabbits with these genes, in order to refine them to the prettu rabbits you see today. Just as new breeds are even develpoed to day, by dedicated breeders who slelct certain genes, to purify markings and colors, so did the early rabbit breeders do the same thing to get both the Dutch and English Spot. Hope this helps. For more information, check out the American English Spot Club and the American Dutch rabbit Club web sites. Also, look at some web sites about 'Seelective Livestock Breeding" for more detailed information on how these breeds and other animal brteeds are made. Regards, Steve