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nandy conure

21 16:23:38

after 10 years our nandy started laying eggs, two so far. the eggs are not fertile. after laying the first, she has drawn her foot up, keeping it close to her body. she won't use the foot but uses her wing to balance on the perch to eat. Is this connected to the egg laying? it's been 4 days.  Thank you for any information.  Donna

I haven't seen this behavior with egg laying except in cases of egg binding and the chances that she's survived 4 days egg bound are pretty low.
I suspect perhaps an injury, which might be associated with low bone density which can occur in egg layers. Even though she hasn't been chronic, it's a possibility, especially if her calcium intake has been low.
 Even though many owners provide plenty of cuttlebone, mineral block and all the right fresh foods, some birds just don't cooperate. We've got a macaw that won't touch a cuttlebone unless we disguise it amid favorite chewing wood pieces.
 For these birds we have to scrape some of the cuttlebone into foods (careful that they're eating it and not avoiding the food because of the addition) and finding palatable forms of calcium, including things like kale, broccoli and spinach.  There are some reports about excessive spinach intake actually binding and removing calcium; however, the amounts of spinach needing to be eaten for this to occur are more than an average bird would care to have.
 At this point I'd have her checked out by your vet who can do a hands on exam and be sure everything is ok.  
 My site has more about birds (click on Sadie, the blue and gold's pic)
  But again - this is more helpful after you have her seen.  OK?