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My male parrolet

21 16:18:28

Hello! I was wondering about my male parrolet. I noticed recently that the female is very nicely groomed. The male (Fred) had what seems dry beaty eyes. The female (Ginger) look beautiful. They have fresh water changed every morning and sometimes I don't even see either one drinking from it. They are fed well and seem very active. I just feel bad for Fred cause he seem so run down. Even the feathers from his head look like they aren't fully grown out yet, she on the other hand has a beautiful feather coat on her head.

Are the beaty eyes and dryness a sign of something worse? They are both pacific parollets.



Hello Viviana and thank you for your post.
It sounds like Fred is ill and should be seen by a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet ASAP.  The two will also need to be seperated and Fred should be quarantined until the vet gives him an examination and says that it is safe to put the two back together.
It could be something easily treatable such as worms (which if left untreated can be fatal), or a sinus infection (which is treatable with antibiotics).
Remember that a bird will hide when it is ill until it is almost too late to save them.  This is a natural wild instinct.  Birds in the wild that are ill will hide their illness to keep from becoming prey for other animals, and the healthy birds in the flock will kill a sick bird to keep the rest of the flock from getting the illness.
Please keep me updated on how Fred is doing.

Good luck and God Bless.