Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse tilts suddenly

mouse tilts suddenly

21 15:16:42

My daughters pet mouse was fine. Then yesterday morning she noticed something was wrong with it. Its little head is kinda tilted to the side. She is kinda walking really slow and to the side also. She rolled over in circles to which we've never seen before.She still is eating a little. But this morning she still is walking to the side(her head anyway). Does anybody know what i am talking about? Can't afford the vet.

Dear Veronica,

I understand about the vet.

I answered pretty much the same question here:

Although I list three possibilities there (ear infection, stroke, brain tumor) I believe there is a fourth possibility that happened to my rabbit once and I think it may happen to mice. It's very late so I'm not going to try to find it right now, but it was something like a bacterial infection in the brain, that the vet treated with the exact same antibiotics that they give for any other infection. The link above includes instructions of how to get and use an antibiotic you can find for fish without a prescription.

Please let me know if I haven't answered all of your questions. And let me know what happens.

I wish her the best of luck.

